What good is a website if no one visits? If you have a website you are no doubt very interested in driving online traffic to that website. Also, if you do not have the budget to buy leads to generate traffic you will be interested in finding free ways to generate that traffic. This article will give you some ideas to generate traffic for free.
Spend, Spend, Spend?
You may frequently hear that in order to get quality traffic, you will need to spend top dollar. That is not the case, you just have to invest your time wisely.
While large amounts of traffic is good, it’s key to note that quality is important as well. What do I mean by quality? Quality traffic consists of website visitors who are actually interested in your product or service. For example, if you are selling baseball bats there is no point in directing tennis players to your site. You want your traffic to be highly qualified and interested in what you have to offer.
How Can I Drive Traffic to My Site?
Article Marketing.
This is quite possibly the best way to generate a lot of quality traffic for your website, especially if you are doing it correctly. The best part is, it is totally free to do and only requires some of your time. The premise is simple, you give the search engines what they want, new, quality content and in exchange, you get traffic to your website.
The first thing you need to do is get a list of keywords that are closely related to the product or service you are offering. Search for keywords that have a minimum of 1,500 searches a month and competition around 20,000. These are usually good parameters to go by when searching for keywords.
Once you have your keyword list you need to write a helpful, informative article using those keywords in your article. The article should be in the range of 250 to 500 words. Once your article is written you just have to sign up to several online article directories such as EzineArticles.com or ArticlesBase.com and submit your article. You can sign up and submit your articles for free.
Forum Posting
Seek out forums in your niche market and sign up for them. Set up your profile with a signature which is basically a brief biography about your website and/or product. Be sure to include a link to your website in the signature.
When you participate in the forum and offer valuable information to others you will be seen as an expert in your niche. When people read your replies and click on your link they will be taken to your website. This is a very powerful way to get free traffic.
Start Your Own Blog
Buy a domain name and Webhosting account and get started. Avoid using a free blog because this way you will have way more control over your blog. Be sure to make frequent blog posts and include keywords that are associated with your niche.
These are just a few of the simple and free methods that you can be used to drive online traffic to your website. As you can conclude, each of these options can be done for free though we understand that not everyone has the time to write their own article or even to manage their social media accounts. If you are looking to hire the right team for the job, you should consider Hostbros. We have teams of dedicated Social Media Managers that will take the time to understand your business and will curate quality articles for your niche.