Whether you own a big business or a small business I am almost 100% certain you are seeking an internet marketing solution to bring in the best targeted traffic which you can convert to sales. There are so many options and it becomes very hard to choose the best method for your business. But savvy marketers have a great internet marketing solution to keep consumers thinking about your company in a good way and make it much more likely that someone will buy from you.
One of the best ways to kickstart your internet marketing campaign is setting up an opt-in mailing list, and this is advised for just about any business. Originally, direct marketers purchased mailing lists from companies that gathered the information. These lists were the names and addresses of people culled from a variety of sources. Business owners would then send a piece of mail to each person on the list in the hopes that some would want the product or service offered enough pay for it. This practice still exists today via the internet and is commonly called spam. People send out the same message to hundreds or thousands of people, just hoping a few will bite.
Op-In Mailing Lists
This method is highly ineffective and a rather undesirable way to email people about your business. This practice can get your e-mail account shut down as well as alienate the people you’re trying to sell to. Imagine if you had a list of people who were already interested in your product or service and all of those people said it was perfectly okay to send them emails that advertise your company, wouldn’t that be an internet marketing solution that would solve some problems?
What are the Advantages of Setting Up an Opt-In Mailing List?
When you set up your own mailing list that people have to agree to join, then you have that targeted list of people who have given you permission to contact them. You may then email them as rarely or as often as you like (it is strongly advised that you don’t bombard people, but don’t email them too infrequently that they forget you). And you can advertise whatever you want in these emails, without worry of being tagged for spamming people, since they all agreed to get emails from you when they signed up for the mailing list.
What are the Disadvantages of Setting Up an Opt-In Mailing List?
Opt-in mailing lists may not attract everyone, especially if they’ve not already purchased from you, or they aren’ considering a purchase. These mailing lists however prevents you from having to do the scatter shot mailing list marketing of the pre-Internet marketing era. Attracting people to sign up for your list is the hard part. You’re not likely to attract many people by asking them to join a list so you can send them ads.
Visitors must see the benefit of joining the mailing list, so offer them something for signing up. It can be as simple as just ensuring you provide them with good information, or a discount. Let’s be real, everyone is happy to cut costs where they can. The age-old lure of the freebie is the internet marketing solution for building a mailing list.